Reviews and Recommendations by Mel Odom, Professional Writer


Miles to Little Ridge stars Gideon Miles, a Western hero created by Edward Grainger (David Cranmer) in his Cash Laramie stories. Miles is different for the time, being an African American marshal on the prod in the old West.

Grainger is evidently intent on spreading his franchise creations because this novella is written by Heath Lowrance. The story reads like an episode from television, concentrating on the action rather than the characterization and history of the land and place.

Miles arrives at Little Ridge with the intention of arresting Edward Gandy, a man wanted for bank robbing. The local lawman isn’t interested in helping Miles bring the man in, and it isn’t long before Miles trips across a brace of hardcases that intend to leave him in a shallow grave.

Lowrance plays to the action crowd with this one, and it’s all straight-ahead shoot-em-up stuff that most Western readers will enjoy. He’s got a firm hand on this, and the story wraps nicely.

Miles is an interesting character and I’ll be looking forward to seeing more adventures featuring him.

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